the god lab – sort | free

the GOD lab

Another couple of beatitudes:


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    for they will be satisfied.

Righteousness is a word they can be quite heavily loaded. In choosing the word ‘sorted’, we can instead think anew about getting ourselves put right and wanting the world put right. It doesn’t change the beatitude, but it allows us to look at it anew. This experiment is a start to exploring this, as usual in a much truncated form:

Find a quiet place and invite God to join in with your thinking.
Think of an area where you are dissatisfied somewhat.  Don't rush to
find things wrong with your self, instead think of somewhere where
you can see where you are now and a new place where you (and God)
might like to be in the future.  It might help to think of you
becoming the 'true you' who God made you to be.  If you dare,
invite God to be involved in bringing about this new you.
You may want to confess to God times when you 'fall short'
and tend to the 'old you'.



Blessed are the merciful,
    for they will receive mercy.

When we show mercy we are not only free others, but free ourselves too.  In exploring this beatitude we are encouraged to experiment with showing mercy.  But rather than start with our worst enemy (or perhaps our greatest enemy), requiring a seemingly impossible amount of mercy, we should rather start with the people in our everyday lives who perhaps just mildly offend us.  We can move on to the bigger things with practise.

Find a quiet place.
Think about somebody who needs your mercy, perhaps somebody you
struggle to relate to well.
Imagine a movie in your mind of a good interaction with this person.
This is the future you would like to be a reality. Invite God into
this situation and pray for this person.
Maybe even release yourself from holding a grudge if you need to.

If a grudge is like emotional muscle cramp, then mercy is the gentle massage that releases us.